December 31, 2014

Berkeley: Dream Fluff Donuts; restaurant review

80 North

Dream Fluff Donuts  

2637 Ashby Ave., Elmwood, (510) 649-0471.  M-Sat 4am-6pm, Sun 6:30am-2pm.

donut case at Dream Fluff Donuts in Berkeley, California
donut case at Dream Fluff Donuts in Berkeley, California

Dream Fluff Donuts has been my go-to donut store for many years.  I am especially fond of the maple-glazed long john, but they also make a mean glazed raised, French cruller, and jelly donut.  I usually do a grab-and-go here, but recently I decided to sit down at the counter and have a cup of coffee—French vanilla—with my long john.  I could have changed my choice to a croissant, scone, breakfast sandwich, pancakes, or even bacon and eggs.  The menu on the wall is full of options, as well as bags of potato chips for purchase.  Lunch choices include sandwiches, burgers, and fries, plus there is a case full of round tubs filled with ice cream waiting to be scooped.

interior of Dream Fluff Donuts in Berkeley, California
interior of Dream Fluff Donuts in Berkeley, California

Just a tad bigger than a hole-in-the-wall, this casual spot has seating at two tables and at a very small counter with short floor stools.  Definitely on the other side of trendy, it has no Wi-Fi and no website.  But the TV was tuned to “The View” during my visit, and the vintage screen door made a satisfying squeak when anyone entered or exited.

More things to do in Berkeley.

Way more things to do in Berkeley. 

More ideas for exploring Northern California.

images ©2014 Carole Terwilliger Meyers

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